Almost time!

As the weather changes back and forth from semi warm to cold and back to semi warm, I start to get the itch to get out on the water.  I realized today as I was on my morning commute that I needed to put on my sunglasses, it then occured to me; Sunglasses in the morning?  It’s almost time to hit the water!  Then I drove by Utah Lake, I saw that most of it still covered in a thick sheet of ice and if Utah Lake still has ice on it the rest of the lakes are surely iced over.  The slight glimmer of light was that the west shorline looks like it has begun to thaw.  Only a few weeks ago I saw that Dewey and Down For the Ride rode their bikes out to the lake to check the status, check out the results here.

With gas prices lower this year, I’m expecting a stellar year on the water.  The crew is working on some big things this year, James already spilled the beans about the new site design, which is looking pretty sweet.  Its getting closer and I’m very excited for what is to come.  More sun, more heat, get your gear ready, let’s ride!!