Wall Ridin’ Dirty!

Yesterday we caught up with Zach White and Colby Shelton for some winchin in a canal that proved a great spot for a bit of wall riding, check it out! http://www.overboardphotography.com/Wake-Board/Spring-Wall-Sesh/

The Closest Running System 2.0 to SLC

If you have not had a chance to check out the article over on the SLWK Blog, get the inside scoop from Scotty Lyons on the closest System 2.0 Park to SLC.  (At least for now!)  Read all about it, over on SLWK.

Marine Products Water Sports Swap (2011)

Bring in “Pre Loved” Water Sports Equipment May 2-13 to be sold to public during the Swap Sale May 16-21. When your gear sells you can choose 70% Cash Back or 100% in Store Credit.

Boardshorts and Bikini’s

I always get excited this time of year, stores start selling their summer gear, all the new board shorts and hot bikinis! It gets me excited cause I know that just around the corner will be riding weather, I feel it! It’s so close!!!! There are those select few that have been out riding already, Down For The Ride and … Read More

Spring Fever

Utah weather is annoying, just as you start to feel the warmth of Spring and the wakeboarding bug starts to scratch you get slapped in the face with a cold spell. But apart from the fact that mother nature can’t make up her mind on when to let it get warm this year the wakeboarding scene in Utah is going … Read More

Will you sign my life vest?

Slap Hands!

Winter months are a drag!  It’s cold!  Water turns to ice, the other day I drove by a park and it was loaded with slushy water, my thought process went as follows:  get Dewey, get winch, load Port O’ Rail in truck, install, ride.  Then the grim reminder of how cold it was when I was nearly clipped by the … Read More

2010 Fall Sale at Marine Products

Huge Fall Sale at Marine Products, one day only! Come watch ‘Washed-Up Before We Were Has-Beens’ Pro Riders will be in the house. The best place to hang with your wakeboard buddies before the slopes open!

We Need Your Help, Feedback Please!!!

This is your chance to give your feedback, ideas, problems, and praise about the Utah Wakeboarding Scene. This is your chance to help mold the scene. Keep reading to submit your feedback…