WakeUtah’s Featured Rider (July): Ryan Webster

July’s featured rider is Ryan Webster, Ryan Webster has been on the scene wakeboarding for a few years and is always progressing, both himself and the sport. An eager rider who does it for the love of wakeboarding, Ryan makes residence in Delta, Utah where he lives on “The Res” with his family who are extremely supportive of not only … Read More

2008 Wake in the Snake Results

Grom Dexton Wallace Nate Stover Darian Bateman Beginner Zac Kane Morgan Winchester Travis Terry Intermediate Daniel Barger Dylon S Taylor Benson Women Jenacee Jackson Brooke Bagley Nikki Willhoite Advanced Travis Sprenger Chance Bird Jenacee Jackson Outlaw Dave Bagley Braxton Tomlinson Andrew Wallace Double Up contest pictures: Main Event Pictures: Photo Gallery

I’m a little Star-Gazed

If you got a chance to check out today’s Deseret News you probably read the section on ‘Boat Basics‘ and I am sure you saw the great picture on how to not do a Railey, by yours truly! So I figured I would take this chance to talk a little about the Air Railey. Someone just this week was talking … Read More

Sneak Peak!

  It might be the lock ness monster or it could be Dewey’s and OMJ’s new project.  Look out for this guy cause he is out there taking names.  More to come. 

Tips for saving money at the gas pump

One of our major expenses today is gas so I have done a little research to help save money on gas and get better mpg. Maintain your vehicle A vehicle that runs smoothly uses less gas than one that is poorly maintained. Regular oil changes, air filter and other recommended maintenance will all help to give you a fuel-efficient vehicle. … Read More

You, On a shirt???

Last spring WakeUtah.com went through an overhaul, things were said, agreements were made, and people got involved! You have all seen the changes we have been making, improving the site, finding deals for us poor wakeboarders, and being the best source of information about what is happening in the wakeboarding world in Utah. Those are the things you have seen … Read More

WakeUtah Shopping Deals

Why spend hours searching the internet for the best deals on wake products, when you can see them all here on our ‘Shopping Deals‘ Page. On the ‘Shopping Deals‘ Page you will find ‘Deal of the Day’ products, links to online retailers and a bunch of coupon codes.