WakeUtah Wakeboard Tips with Park City TV

Team Wake Utah recently had the opportunity to ride with Park City TV for a segment about ‘Wakeboard Tips’. With the help of local riders; Ward White, Phil Chadwick, Marc Glover, and WakeUtah’s own James Kleinschnitz, we were able to film three separate pieces. During this session we worked on the heel side wake jump, backside 180’s, and the heel side front flip (View … Read More

WakeUtah.com Featured Rider (Sept) D.F.T.R. Josh

Featured Rider For September is D.F.T.R. Josh I had the opportunity to go riding with Josh on one of his Monday sessions, watching him ride and landing his moves, it was like watching someone ride who is just barely learning a new trick.  He got a big old grin after each trick, you can tell this guy just loves to … Read More

Summer is not over, Epic Demo Day!

We are not ready for summer to be over so we have arranged for Fed’s Marine to bring out an Epic Boat this sat to Utah Lake. We will be meeting at American Fork Harbor around 10 am. So for everyone who has been wanting to ride behind an Epic Boat here is your chance. For more info contact dewey@wakeutaa.com … Read More

Dewey’s Rail Jam II

Make sure to join us the night before, for the pre-party. Cost will be $35.00 to compete, to help cover our expenses. Helmets and life jackets will be required for all riders along with signing a liability wavier. This event will be a pre-qualifier to the Seven Peaks Rail Jam, which will have a limited amount of spaces available.  Come ride … Read More

WakeUtah’s Featured Rider (August): Kolton Barney

Kolton Barney is one of those guys who is good at almost everything he does. He is an accomplished Moto Cross rider who is usually top five amongst his intermediate class, with a few podium finishes. Kolton can shred the sloped on a winter board. He has also been known, in his past, to bang on a few drums, winning a few … Read More

Idaho Boardstock Results

-Outlaw- 1. Andrew Wallace 2. Braxton Tomlinson 3. Marc Glover 4. Dave Bagley 5. Scott Bagley 6. Adam Hegstrom   -Advanced- 1. Chance Bird 2. Travis Sprenger 3. Kolton Barney 4. Ethen Roberts 5. Bert Summers   -Intermediate- 1. Jordan Johns 2. Bradon Brockbank 3. Dylon Sprenger 4. Trent Whitney 5. KJ Redder   -Women- 1. Vannessa Bybee 2. Taylor … Read More

Wake in the Woods – Results

Beginners: 1-Caden Handley 2-Taylor Christensen 3- Wade Dority Intermediate: 1-Quinn Clyde 2-Chase McCaughay 3-Rad Gladfelder Ladies: 1-Katie Read 2-Lindsay Lawlor 3-Channing Seeholzer Advanced: 1-Kolton Barney 2-Chance Bird 3-Justin Cox Outlaw: 1-Andrew Wallace 2-Marc Glover 3-Cole Wadsworth The Big Winners! As usual, Wake in the Woods tuned out to be a great contest. It got a bit breezy a few times, … Read More

Get in X-Dance Video Contest

Last year many of you turned out to the premier of Transgression at X-Dance, the movie was a hit, a great wake boarding flick! And X-Dance was a great venue for the movie too, the action sports film festival that runs the same time as the Sundance Film Festival. The X-Dance theme gave us an idea, why now ask wakeutah.com … Read More